

To ensure the successful completion of your registration process, we kindly request that you submit a copy of your payment receipt : 

FEES for the participants to the Sagemath workshop only or Sagemath workshop + Conference  (March 04 - 08, 2024) :
- before December 31, 2023 for PhD students participating in Sagemath workshop (50 euros) or  Sagemath workshop  + Conference (60 euros);
Verifying your payment is essential for finalysing your participant in the congress.
Accommodation, meals and documents will be available for all external PhD students participating in the Sagemath workshop coming from other universities from March 04, to March 07, 2024 .
Meals and documents will be available for all Hassan II university PhD students participating in the Sagemath workshop and conference. Some accommodations could  be available after giving priority to external participants. 
FEES for the participants to the conference (March 06 - 08, 2014):
- (50 euros ) before January 31, 2024 for participants to the conference only;
- (80 euros ) after January 31, 2024 for participants to the conference only.

Please attach the payment receipt to your response email or send it directly to [nmcals.payement.notification@gmail.com]. If you have already submitted your receipt, kindly disregard this message. 


Bank Account Details
Account Name: Association "Abc Mathinfo"
Address: Faculty of Sciences Ben M'Sik | Hassan II University of Casablanca | Morocco
Bank: Attijariwafa Bank
Swift Code: BCMAMAMC
IBAN (24 Digits): 007.780.0004032000301187.73
IBAN (28 Digits): MA64.007.780.0004032000301187.73




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